Get Financing
At, AgriFinance Hub we pride ourselves in offering leading-edge Asset Finance Solutions. Together with OPTIMAL AGRI we source finance for all assets available at OPTIMAL AGRI. Our service is similar to that of a Bond Originator, we do the legwork and submit the paperwork to the 4 major banks and get comparison quotes, should you qualify we also submit the application to a FSB approved Funder who offer an Operating Lease with ownership ( Rent-to-Own). You can now compare all the rates without having to jump through hoops at each financial institution, making the process of owning your next asset purchased at OPTIMAL AGRI so much easier, you sit back and choose the option that suits you best, either a Bank Loan or Rent-to-Own.
What is an Operating Lease with ownership ( Rent-to-Own)?
Why Operating Lease rather than Hire Purchase?
What is value of product at end of term?
The benefit of 0% Deposit
Creates cash-flow, opportunity cost of capital is important for any business.
What is interest rate?
TAX Benefits
How does VAT payment work?
Can I settle anytime?
Premium Terms
Who Pays Insurance and Maintenance?
Get In Touch
25A, Industrie Singel 7300 Malmesbury